Sunday, August 23, 2020
Career Path for Acounting Essay Example for Free
Vocation Path for Acounting Essay It is generally so difficult to give the specific number of individuals who have studied bookkeeping, yet one thing that I know is that the demography is wide and enormous. This is on the grounds that they have various purposes behind studying this profession way. The most widely recognized motivation to all individuals is on the grounds that bookkeeping is an attractive profession and they simply need to get a new line of work. The quantity of individuals studying this field is developing gigantically and the most significant thing is to think about the fundamental explanation of joining this calling. A few people will guarantee that when they were in secondary school, this was their best subject and they cherished it thus they should study it. I accept the best purpose behind studying bookkeeping is on the grounds that it has wide assortments of profession way that one can study. Individuals ought to comprehend that this field isn't about charges and credits. It is to a greater extent an imparting language in the realm of business and this is the reason numerous CEOs hold a degree in this field. In the day today life it is normally one of the most widely recognized college degree programs. The most significant thing is to verify that the entirety of the individuals who are in this calling get business and that is the reason numerous individuals who have wandered in bookkeeping consistently have contemplations for such posts. The most fascinating piece of this profession decision is that more often than not the individuals who adventure into it will consistently have the best employment positions hanging tight for them on the grounds that numerous individuals consistently have a thought that it is a troublesome order. The work openings are proliferating for the alumni studying bookkeeping. The administration figures shows that in any event 1.2 million of employments are held by bookkeepers consistently. As indicated by the Feldmann, 2009 and furthermore the overview done by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA, 2000) the alumni are declining yet subsequent to returning to their exploration in the year 2005, it mirrored an expansion in number of the bookkeeper graduates. This has become a help to many bookkeeping enrollment specialists. As per the 2007 Employment elements and development desires (EDGE) 57% of the recruiting chiefs have a trouble when employing qualified staff. This require a need of bookkeeping graduates, which luckily is expanding day after the different as the business endeavors increment. In the wake of accomplishing a degree in this division, a large portion of the understudies consistently pick to become open bookkeepers as the main profession decision. The decision of either accepting occupation as a private bookkeeper relied upon the way that they needed to settle on decisions among the compensation esteems offered to them. None of them like to work in the non benefit associations. They likewise dare to work in a CPA organization since this will offer them a chance to wander in territories that they need to encounter particularly in the review segment and examining. This will offer them the fundamental experience and that is something that have animated such a large number of understudies in wandering in the open segment alternative. One may likewise pick to wander in the private division which is hugely worthwhile. A portion of the understudy will consistently prefer to work for the organization which is ascending in this segment, yet this will be controlled by the degree of research one is eager to do. This will allow them to develop and sustain their profession ways in various areas. I would encourage the alumni to slant towards the open segment particularly the legislature and non beneficial segment which will furnish them with the best employer stability regardless of whether the pay is low. There are a few things that a bookkeeper can do after they have finished their college degree. One can decide to spend significant time in various territories of this field, however above all else have the sort of aptitudes that can empower them in doing as such. One of the regions that is extremely normal for individuals who have done bookkeeping. Reviewing is one of the zones that one can wander in. It is one of the fundamental territories that individuals have decided to fabricate their vocations in. This sort of occupation includes checking of records and fiscal summaries for an association in order to decide whether they are making misfortunes and are they going through the money that has been apportioned to them as needs be. In the time that we are in today, crafted by this nature has been mechanized and for the most part they simply need to enter in the qualities in like manner and they will get the correct sort of articulation. They guarantee that the qualities that are intro duced are for the money related year contains the correct qualities. Bookkeeping profession ways are extremely fluctuated and this is the reason numerous multiple times one needs to consider the way that they need take. Numerous individuals after they have cleared school don't have an impression where to jump their professions however the numerous alternatives have in these vocation ways that can be taken. Accounting is something else that they can do. These are the individuals who track solicitations, installments and other income desiring an organization or a person. Much of the time they will consistently need to wander around there in like manner. Another region, which they would wander in is turning out to be general bookkeepers. This is nearly the equivalent to a clerk, however they make accumulations and the important changes in the bookkeeping records. In the enormous associations, they are typically positioned in offices like HR division managing the installment of the staff. Another territory is the point at which one turns into a controller. These are the individuals who are answerable for the bookkeeping division. They generally work in the open area yet additionally adventure in the private division and they are as a rule accountable for income for the association. For one to reach to such a position, one must work and put a great deal of assurance in the work that they do. The other activity, which is accessible for them is turning into a criminological bookkeeper. These are the individuals who work with the administration or the people who are responsible for examining and researching violations which are identified with bookkeeping cheats and other related things. These individuals ought to guarantee that they groups some degree of law information since this will help them in recognizing regions which have been changed and aid indictment of the guilty parties. A spending investigator is something else that they can do. This is on the grounds that they can decipher numerous things, which are recorded in the spending plan. This is a critical and including work since they are the individuals who are mindful really taking shape of monetary designs for organizations and different associations particularly the administration offices and other non productive associations. The experts who have taken up these works can take up these employments in both the private and the open areas. The individuals who take these sorts of employments should be inventive with regards to the exchange procedure and that is the reason they ought to have great individual and relational abilities. Monetary bookkeeping is another part that one can wander in. These are the people who are responsible for the readiness of budget reports of the accessible organizations or any venture. These are the people who are utilized to settle on choices when there is a merger which is going to happen in any organization. This is on the grounds that these individuals Are talented to examine the monetary articulations of the two organizations and decide whether there is a requirement for merger and in the event that one of the organizations is exploiting the other or not. They are likewise answerable for estimating to decide the profits that will be experienced by the organizations when they combine. It is critical to ensure that these individuals are liable for the budgetary and bookkeeping forms. The board bookkeeping is an exceptionally bustling situation in any association. This is the reason numerous individuals can have the sort of choices that are deterministic during the time spent capital planning and the territory of examination of agreements. Control on organizations on the costs and the cost investigation is finished by these individuals. They normally ensure that they work in close contact with the individuals liable for the advertising division since they aid a major way with regards to the creation choices which are useful for the government assistance of the organization. Tax assessment is another region which they can take up. This is for people who might want to become charge bookkeepers. These are the individuals who work for the two organizations and people. They ordinarily plan articulations which either for a partnership of individual pay. It is a lift for the person who is doing this sort of work to have great information foundation of the vital sort of financial aspects which is being utilized by these individuals. Bookkeepers are likewise answerable for exhorting people with regards to wandering in various types of organizations. This is on the grounds that they are the individuals who have the ability on the issues that are available and current in the business world. It is excellent to guarantee that the individuals who need administrations can be given free and secretly. Planning and different issues, which are related with the business are given and offered to the individuals appropriately. This is exceptionally common for the organizations which need a great deal of despoil business particularly those that are being faces with of rivalry. They need people who are dependable and can have the option to leave well enough alone and the customer’s data private. A few people have additionally picked to proceed with their examinations considerably subsequent to turning out to be qualified bookkeepers. They proceed for MS to get authorized, Certified Public Accountants. This is an individual who is endorsed by the state to fund money related data in the open organizations to give exact outcomes. These are the people able to begin their own examining firms on the off chance that they don't a preferring or well paying opening for work (Felix 2010, 56). Along these lines the examination thought that it was fitting for the bookkeeper graduates to proceed to this level for better and higher odds of business openings and furthermore private or independent work enter
Friday, August 21, 2020
Why Oil and Water Dont Mix
Why Oil and Water Dont Mix You may have encountered instances of how oil and water dont blend. Oil and vinegar serving of mixed greens dressing independent. Engine oil drifts on the water in a puddle or in an oil slick. Regardless of the amount you blend oil and water, they constantly independent. Synthetics that dont blend are supposed to be immiscible. The explanation this happens is a result of the substance idea of oil and water particles. Like Dissolves Like The platitude in science is that like breaks up like. This means the polar fluids (like water) break down in other polar fluids, while nonpolar fluids (generally natural particles) blend well in with one another. Every H2O orâ water particle is polar in light of the fact that it has a twisted shape where the adversely charged oxygen iota and the decidedly charged hydrogen iotas are on independent sides of the atom. Water formsâ hydrogen bonds among oxygen and hydrogen iotas of various water particles. At the point when water experiences nonpolar oil atoms, it sticks to itself instead of blends with the natural particles. Making Oil and Water Mix Science has stunts for getting oil and water to associate. For instance, cleanser works by going about as emulsifiers and surfactants. The surfactants improve how well water can interface with a surface, while the emulsifiers help oil and water beads combine. Thickness and Immiscibility Oil glides on water since it is less thick or has lower explicit gravity. The immiscibility of oil and water, in any case, isn't identified with the distinction in thickness.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
The PANCE and PANRE Preparation Checklist
Let's break down your PANCE and PANRE preparation in as few steps as possible 1. Download the 'Examination Content Blueprint' (ECB) from the NCCPA The ECB lists the diseases that you should focus on and describes which information you should study for each disease. Follow the link below: Break down the ECB into parts that are easy to handle, depending on the time you have before the exam. (You should know your study habit by now) Viewthe NCCPA Exam Content Blueprint New for 2019! I have also created two new interactive PANCE and PANRE/Pilot alternative blueprints accessible on my website which make studying blueprint topics a breeze. They are freely available in both an online and hyperlinked PDF format. Interactive Content Blueprint for the PANCE / (Download PDF) Interactive Content Blueprint for the PANRE/ (Download PDF) 2. Identify Your Weak Areas As a student, you may have been offered a mock, computer-based exam called the PACKRAT. The PACKRAT appears to predict PA student outcomes on the PANCE. You can use your PACKRAT results to focus your review. The NCCPA also allows you to take a mock PANCE or PANRE on their website for $35. They will score it and highlightyour weak and strong areas. This is a good place to start and will give you a baseline from which to guide your studies. NCCPA Mock PANCE Exam $35 NCCPA Mock PANRE Exam $35 You can alsoaccessmy exams which will give you a feel for your level of preparation. The PA Life:Free PANCE and PANRE exams For topic-specific exams and an exhaustive set of review questionsjoin the PANCE and PANRE Academy + Smarty PANCE. Take a Free Practice Exam 3. Obtain Great Study Materials It is completely up to you, but the most common sources of valid and not excessive references are as follows. I still prefer hard copies over kindle format review books. My personal favorites are starred below. A Comprehensive Review for the Certification and Recertification Examinations for Physician Assistants: Published in Collaboration with AAPA and PAEA Appleton Lange Review for the Physician Assistant (Appleton Lange Review Book Series)* Swanson's Family Medicine Review: Expert Consult* PANCE PREP PEARLS; A practical comprehensive study and review guide for the PANCE and PANRE Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon Buy on Amazon 4. Listen to Review Material at the Gym or in the Car I am a huge fan of the free Physician Assistant Exam Review Podcast by Brian Wallace.It is a great way to study while you are sitting in traffic, on a long trail run or working out on the elliptical at the gym. I offer a FREE Audio PANCE and PANRE Board Review Podcast that covers 10 questions per episode. It is a great way to get into the habit of answering test question and makes a good complement to Brian's more in-depth topic review. Members of the PANCE and PANRE Academy + Smarty PANCE have access to all episodes and over 400 audio questions. 5. ConsiderTaking a PANCE/PANRE Review Course Although this is costly and often overkill it will add an extra layer of security if you are feeling a bit anxious. I took the UMDNJ PANCE review course as part of my initial training 11 years ago. It was well done and the practice exams were worth the price of the course alone. UMDNJ PANCE or PANRE Review Course The UMDNJ course is considered by many to be the gold standard. You can take it in person or online. They claim a 98.6% pass rate. Get an instant 10% discount by entering the code 'PALIFE' at checkout Help Zebra: Don't let the archaic looking website fool you. This online program is one of the best-kept secrets! CME Resources: I have no experience with this course, but others have said it is quite good. RoshReview: I have also heard good things about this program although I have no personal experience with the course. 6. Practice, Practice, Practice Practicing exam questions is a must! The more questions you practice the higher the likelihood of passing your exam. There are many resources available. 1. Take the practice exams in the review books: The Appleton and Lange QA is constructed of nothing but practice question and you should work through the ones that focus on your weak areas. Swanson's Family Practice Review is similar but includes updated explanations and readings that complement the material as you progress through the questions. I love the immediate feedback and teaching points this book provides. 2. The PANCE and PANRE Academy + SMARTY PANCE Speaking of immediate feedback and teaching points, I have built this into all of my exams as part of the PANCE and PANRE Academy and Smarty PANCE. Studies show that obtaining immediate feedback allows you to learn the course material at an accelerated rate. For this reason, I urge you to take a look at the PANCE and PANRE Academy + Smarty PANCEand consider it an integral part of your study plan. I also recommend signing up for the FREE 60-day email review series that will keep you on the ball by sending you one review question daily. Join the PANCE and PANRE Academy + Smarty PANCE 3. Retake an NCCPA practice exam In step 2 you took an NCCPA practice exam to guide your studies and gauge your preparedness. Now is a great time to take a second exam. 3. Exam master For many students, their PA program has purchased thissource of questions for them. This website contains thousands of PANCEstylequestions that you can practice in areas that you want to get better in or diseases that you want to review. Follow this link if you would like more information, and ask your school if they have purchased access. Exam master Physician Assistant Exams They also have an appExam master on iTunes Finally, GOOD LUCK! Study hard. Take the exam seriously. You only want to take it once every 10 years. You may also like -The PANCE and PANRE Content Blueprint ChecklistYour Blueprint to Success Starts Here! If you are at all like me the hardest part of studying for your PANCE or PANRE is figuring out where to begin. There is an ever-growing list of review books, podcasts, online programs, in-person []NCCPA Examination Content Blueprint PDF (ECB)When studying for the PANCE or PANRE let the NCCPA Content Blueprint be your guide! Along with a good review book, the content blueprint allows you to focus your review on the topics that will be covered on the PANCE and PANRE. In my []Free PANCE and PANRE Board Review Email SeriesSign up for the FREE Daily PANCE and PANRE I am super excited to announce myFree Daily PANCE and PANRE board review email review series. It's 60 days of PANCE and PANRE Board Review Questions and Answers delivered directly to your []
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility - 1072 Words
DBS Nataliya Salnikava 1777627 LIDL and Corporate Social Responsibility Introduction In this essay the author will try to give an understanding of what is the Corporate Social Responsibility, why it is so important nowadays and we will analyse role of Lidl in this area in different dimensions. So what is the Corporate Social Responsibility?The World Business Council for Sustainable Development in its publication â€Å"Making Good Business Sense†by Lord Holme and Richard Watts, used the following definition Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as†¦show more content†¦Its not a secret that the fish population is in dramatic decline for the last 10 years. So as an international company Lidl really cares about following the international policies regarding ethic method of fishing, illigal fisheries, dolphin-friendly tuna. It also ensure that all the fish they offer to the customer, is caught under socially acceptable conditions. LIDl and Charity Foundation This would be the most prominent and significant achievement for Lidl in Corporate Social responsibility – partnering with Irish Heart Foundation. In order to provide funds to IHF, Lidl does a lot of in-store promotions, SMS completions, it involves their staff to participate in variety of raising funds for charity events. All of these runs very successfully for LIDL and IHF. In addition Lidl provide on their web-site all the relevant information how to stay healthy and fit in order to avoid heart related deceases. So all said above proves that Lidl truly â€Å"has a big heart†. Lidl and education From 2006 Lidl with Dublin Business School conjunction runs a program called â€Å"Earn while you learn†. The successful participants of this program getting a great opportunity to study in the private college in the heart of Dublin, they get paid an attractive salary, and have anShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility773 Words  | 4 PagesCorporate social responsibility may also be referred to as corporate citizenship and can involve spending finances that do not directly benefit the company but rather advocate positive social and environmental change. The soul in the next economy forum presentation made it evident that achieving corporate social responsibly in a company can reap major benefits in terms of finances, more inspiring workplace and customer satisfaction. In the past, companies mistakenly thought that corporate socialRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility1990 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate social responsibility is becoming a key initiative and an essential tool in the growth of multinational corporations and the development of third world countries throughout the globe. The two concepts can work hand in hand to provide benefits for all; however difficulties in regulating and implementing corporate social responsibility need to be overcome before effective changes can be made. Definitions of corporate social responsibility can be somewhat varied depending on the perceptionRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility1904 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility The different aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been the topic of considerable debate since the last decades of the twentieth century. Main factor for the increased interest on the part of stakeholders in this topic are the increased public awareness and interest in the corporate social responsibility following the Information Revolution. This essay will assess the dangers and benefits of the business ethics for most of the stakeholders – employeesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2819 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction For the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thought of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got toRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibilities2100 Words  | 9 PagesSustainability requires monitoring and managing all the person to ensure that our economy and society can continue to exist without destroying the social and natural environment during development. The sustainability includes three pillars, which are economic, social and environment, forming a triple bottom line. The triple bottom line demands that a company s responsibility lies with stakeholder rather than shareholder. The stake holder is a party who can be affected or affect by the action of the company suchRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility15903 Words  | 64 PagesCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) is a term describing a company’s obligation to be accountable to all of its stakeholder in all its operation and activities. 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This obligationRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2819 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction For the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thought of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got toRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2818 Words  | 12 PagesFor the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thou ght of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got to be worryRead MoreCorporate Responsibility And Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1867 Words  | 8 PagesStevan Jakovljevic Professor Laud MGT 3550 Values, Ethics and Sustainability 10/18/16 Chapter 3: Define corporate responsibility (CSR). Describe the benefits. Why do some executives support CSR while others find it troublesome and argue against it? Corporate social responsibility is what a company uses to self-regulate itself and refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit society. A business’s CSR can encompass a wide variety of tactics, from giving away a portion of a company’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Economic Systems Capitalism, Communism and Socialism
Economic Systems 04/22/2014 Throughout history, nations or regions have supported different economic systems. Economic systems control the political economy, markets, consumer and public economics, national income, natural resources and other aspects. The economic systems lead the country towards its flourished and depraved situations. The systems also provide the type of business and government imposed on the societies and the country. Some of the economic systems are capitalism, communism and socialism. Capitalism is the system under which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit. Communism is an economic system in which all the means of production, land, labor and capital, are owned by the people but private property doesn’t exist. Also, in communism, all the lands are shared equally among everyone. Lastly, socialism is the system which is operated by the people who own the factors of production and act for the welfare of all. Thus, there are different types of economic syst ems because different systems are favorable in diverse countries depending on the influence it has had from other nations. Capitalism emerged in Europe after the downfall of feudalism. Capitalism was solely based on trade and capital, the traders profited more as the demand of goods increased. But, when the demand decreased, the traders lost almost everything. Early capitalists came up with new plans and new business methods to create wealth and this was called theShow MoreRelatedCommunism, Capitalism, and Socialism Essay652 Words  | 3 PagesThree different types of economic systems used by governments are Communism, Capitalism, and Socialism. Each type of system is unique in different ways. Each has distinct aspects that make it what it is. In communism, the government runs everything and there are no social classes. The government in capitalism doesn’t interfere with any businesses and lets the citizens own and operate them. Socialism is basically a mixture of the two economic systems. The government runs certain businesses,Read MoreCapitalism Vs. Socialism And Communism1175 Words  | 5 Pages Capitalism VS. Socialism/Communism Analysis The industrial revolution changed the way people lived. Before the industrial revolution all the work that is now done by machines was done by hand. It also allowed the ambitious working class man to join the rich at the top. This was done through capitalism and laisses-faire economics which gave businesses the ability to operate in a free market without government regulation. Capitalism deserves its share of criticism because of the abuses it causedRead MoreModern Political Ideas and Doctrines Essay1670 Words  | 7 Pagesa) How did Marx conceive the transition from capitalism to communism? Karl Marx is considered to be a historian, a philosopher, a political thinker, and an economist amongst other things. There is a standard misconception that Marx had no idea of economics, by contrast he was quite the economist, and was able to layout the transition of capitalism to communism in a very logical and understanding way. The transition of capitalism arises through three core factors: the philosophyRead MorePublic Services Funded By Taxpayer Money908 Words  | 4 PagesThrough my online class, I got the chance to learn about socialism, communism and capitalism. They are all different from each other even though there are some similar stuff between them there is a little thing that distinguishes each one from each other. In this paper, I will go through each term and how each and everyone is different from each other. First of all Socialism is a system of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state. It mostly relies on governmentalRead MoreEssay about Comparing Socialism and Communism 702 Words  | 3 Pagesto the communist conquest of power in the Soviet Union, there was an increase of 68.6 years in the life expectancy of all age group; hence the Soviet authorities used this improvement to demonstrate the competence of the socialist system to that of the capitalist system. Although, with the further continuance of this trend in the late 50’s up to early 60’s it made the life expectancy in the Soviet Union went beyond that in the United States. Dinkel R.H. further stated that in the 1964 the trend laterRead MoreMarxism And Socialism Essay1429 Words  | 6 PagesCan democratic socialism achieve Marxist socialism? Marx and Engels’ The Communist Manifesto states, â€Å"The first step in the revolution by the working class, is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class, to win the battle of democracy†(1888:32). 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Both of the topics will be about the origins of each form of economic system, what each hopes to achieve, and the pros and cons. The first is going to talk about socialism and the second is capitalism. Socialism is a government run by the public rather than by private individuals. Thus, in a socialistic country, the common public owns the factors of production and makes economic decisions. Therefore individuals do not workRead MoreEconomics Is The Science Of Scarcity1728 Words  | 7 PagesEconomics is the science of scarcity. Scarcity is when you have a population with unlimited wants coupled with limited resources. Essentially, economics deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The societies in the books 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 both take advantage of some form of an economic system, whether it be the command economy of Oceania, or the overly consumerist economy of the dystopian United States. An economic system is how a society deals with theseRead MoreEssay about Comparative Economic Systems1244 Words  | 5 PagesComparative Economic Systems Capitalism is the economic system found in the United States, Japan, and Germany that are based on private ownership of productive property. Items are known as productive since their use can produce other objects of economic value, income, or money. Things such as a worker’s tools, a farmer’s fields, or a factory’s machine can be considered as productive property. The basic four factors of production that are important for any nation’s economy is land
Personality and Job Performance Volatile and Agile Nature
Question: Describe about the Personality and Job Performance for Volatile and Agile Nature. Answer: Introduction: Human mind has remained one of the most interesting areas of research in behavioral science. It is because of its volatile and agile nature. An individual is influenced by any simple, short-time incident positively or negatively. Our mind is linked with the mood and mood enables logical decision-making process. Such decisions are taken after deep thinking taking long-term impact into account. In other words, mind is the fountain of thoughts. Thoughts influence the actions. The actions define the personality type of an individual. The willingness of an individual affect on the job performance at workplace in terms of comfort, satisfaction, dedication, formation of attitude followed by behaviour. Organization is made of people and run for the people. The collective behavior of various teams reflects in overall picture of an organization by and large. It means the stakeholders are human beings i.e. employees, employers, customers etc. Their perceptions, attitude, approach, thinking patt ern, involvement, and level of satisfaction will define the success ratio of business for the organization (Patra, 2013). Therefore, relationship between personality and job performance is always on high priority for the corporate firms and taken care of. Nobody can afford to turn a deaf ear to this concern. Discussion: Personality can be considered as a bucket of various skills, values, habits, beliefs which makes an individual a unique character. Repetitive actions compel the individuals to behave in certain way, style. The repetitive behavior observed, experiences by others are part of the nature of a personality. Nature determined the level of motivation, reinforcement. After all, motivation is the driving factor of job performance. Sometimes, it is internal or external motivation. However, it can establish relationship between personality and performance. There are various best practices followed by the firms. Five-Factor Model i.e. Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism EAS (Emotionality, activity, and sociality) Model are some of the notable practices to mention few. Organizational behavior plays pivotal role in change management. (Example, Merger and Acquisition). Major changes are expected during the process of merger and acquisition or takeover between two companies or enterprises. The organization goes through critical and complex phase of change management. In such delicate situation, some of the employees are waiting to take undue advantage in terms of spreading rumours like wildfire which may cause huge loss in terms of brand management. The leader has great scope to apply the various models of personality and identify the trouble-makers and control the situation (Schein, 2004). In addition, policy framework and revision, review is possible from a third person point of view. Integrity could prove like a litmus test in this context (Katzenbach, 2014). The relationship between personality and performance is more visible in dealing with diverse workforce. These days, many firms have extended their geographical boundaries and become multi-national companies (MNCs). They have ready and ambitious to ride on the wave of glocalization i.e. being global and maintaining local simultaneously. It makes them unique and they stood away from rest of the world. However, managing multi-national, multi-linguistic, multi-cultural employees and achieving common organizational goals is possible only when communal harmony takes place in the team. Healthy relationship with each other certainly create good rapport and has positive impact on job performance in terms of achieving target and completing assigned tasks effectively with confidence. Organizational behavior empowers to identify the team members based on their personality traits and trigger the behavioral issues, if any. Here, preventive action is recommended than corrective one. The various research studies have revealed that self-knowledge, self-control and self-respect have contributed a lot while developing work-related attitude which is crucial and highly important for any organization. First of all, self-knowledge indicates willingness to learn new things and keeping updated, up-graded all the time to tackle new challenges. Secondly, self-control is to deal with internal and external conflicts. Here, internal conflicts means dilemma (to be or not to be!). It is essential to test our decisions on win-win situation side in spite of win-lose or lose-lose sides. Maturity and independent working with less or no supervision certainly leads to great performance. Naturally, you have inner satisfaction and you can feel it rather than think it. Self-respect empowers the employees to remove inferiority complex and boost their confidence. It increases the risk appetite. The team would be of fire-fighters! It is equally important to give and take respect without hur ting anybody. One can find some controversial facts as to measure the job performance at workplace. Performance is measured both in subjective and objective manners. It cannot be denied that performance measurement by immediate supervisors is a part of subjective while statistics of sales could be treated as objective measurement of a job performance. Fair and impartial measurement of performance reinforces the employees to contribute more while judging the staff based on prejudice, premature evaluation will prevent them from doing so. Here, standardization or benchmarking is very much essential factor which will ensure transparency in everything we do. Another important aspect which affects the relationship between personality and performance is self-discipline. It should be noted that it is not merely discipline. Discipline can be maintained through various rules and regulations. Again, it is an external factor. Hence, it cannot guarantee 100% and effective execution in terms of adherence. Employees fail to comply when it comes to integrity. They think What is in it for me? However, self-discipline is opposite to aforementioned. It is voluntary act which is not forced but accepted based on willingness. Hence, there are greater chances of involvement, acceptance. An individual haunted by self-discipline is not bothered about the fruits of his work or contribution. An employee keeps working and also sure that it will pay long-term benefits. It enables to maintain consistency, regularity. The principle of Each one counts is religiously followed in this context. Self-discipline leads to dedication, meeting deadlines and determination to achieve the goals. Hence, it has great value to job performance. Many times, behavioral issues, concerns cause damage to the team performance. It becomes complex and critical due to its hidden nature. Cold war between two groups of a team will lead nowhere in terms achieving team goals. Both the groups will waste their energy, time to play blame game in spite of real contribution. They will not be able to focus on the work. In this situation, a leader should notice the behavioral changes and fix the problem. Otherwise, it would be high time and may be all have to pay the price for the same (Armstrong, 2014). Flexibility could be another way to bridge the widening gap between personality and performance. It is expected by both the employers and the employees. Sometimes, employers expect it in terms of work rotation, extra-work, dealing with natural or man-made challenges etc. Employees too demand flexibility which consists of working hours, leaves etc. However, it has certain limits. Both of them should understand mutually. Negotiation skills will find out the golden mean to address the issues if any. In addition, trust factor can be developed. In this way, it will strengthen the employee-employer relationship and improve performance on regular basis. Employee Engagement has great significant contribution when it comes to performance. It is observed that 40-50% members in a team are looking for challenging job roles and responsibilities. Cognitive engagement proves to be a sort of value-addition to the job performance (Ongore, 2013). Especially, those who have worked for 3 to 5 years and have been doing same tasks find routine work monotonous. They tend to be casual and influence likewise to their colleagues. It is a job of a leader to explore their potential and appeal them to come up with initiative. It creates a new platform for them to exhibit their talent, skills for the team and company too. It is said that empty mind is devils workshop. Hence, to keep the team engaged all the time is essential and gives good results. It prevents blame game, dirty politics at workplace also. The various traits of personalities determine the scope of innovation and creativity. Every organization is striving for continuous improvement. It could be for various reasons. Some of them could be cost effectiveness, waste management, and quality standards. This can be an internal or within the company whereas increasing marketing strategy, business expansion, competition management, brand management, launching new products / services are considered as external reasons. The company is interested to work on both types of reasons. This is because only sharp minds can generate new ideas and develop third person point of views which is crucially important for the top management. Hence, it is the need of time to foster the culture of creativity and innovation at workplace so that people are actively involved in research and development activities for sustainable business growth. Youll be surprised to notice that human resource department is exclusively working on getting the right talent for right job in timely manner. It is interesting to study their policies of recruitment and selection procedures. This is observed mainly in multi-national companies. Now-a-days a lot of focus is given on hiring young professionals with 2-3 years relevant working experience. It is because these employees have become familiar with the corporate world but still have fire in the belly to prove and stand away from the crowd. They have developed lateral thinking approach and ready to face the challenges. In addition, they have limited liabilities and family concerns. Hence, they can work concentrate and maintain zeal, enthusiasm for long time. They can go for an extra mile to work extensively without any reason. As a result, the management can see their efforts turning into realities with good churning numbers in terms of targets. Hence, around 10-20% newly settled young horses are a must in a team. Their young proportion will give cutting-edge advantage to your team. Personality can be associated with the problem-solving skills. Generally, one can observe that people look at problems as dangers. They are bogged down and confused enough. Sometimes, there is a series of problems one after another. Naturally, the team tends to deviate from the organizational goals. Social, extrovert, dynamic, sporty and determined personalities are problem-solvers than problem-creators to the organization. They have great sense of belongingness. They are never afraid to take initiative and dont wait for somebody to give suggestions, orders or recommendations. In addition, those people who face the problems can give better and practical solutions. It is simply because they have understood the ground realities of the situation. Passion-driven team members enjoy working on problems. Tenacity is in their blood. They can analyse the problems critically, allocate the responsibilities amongst themselves and work in groups. Certainly, winning spirit and persistence is devel oped which take them to the top level. Leadership development is the one of the key aspects that could lay the foundation of employee-employer relationship. The search of excellence ends up with an effective and able leadership. Actually, leadership is an action. It generates the series of actions. A leader should be able to read the faces and minds. It empowers the team to act than to keep thinking. It provides mental support. He follows the principle of caring and sharing. He/she is approachable to all. His role is like a coach or a mentor. Democratic leadership nurtures assertiveness to the optimum level at workplace. People acceptance is possible in this context. In short, a leader can influence the team positively and boost their confidence to create wonders which they dont perceive probably. Steve jobs could be given as the best example. Rewards Recognition system plays important role in job performance. Most of the employees are keenly interested for appreciation. It is not always in the form of money. Small changes make a big difference. It is recommended that one should recognize and give certain credit to the concerned employee. It promotes winning spirit and expects repetitive actions on this ground. Others start following him/her. It is treated as best practice. Employees are sure that they will be rewarded and do more for the organization day-by-day. They create such paths which last for long time. It is beyond average performance and has large impact on the company. Allocation of tasks is sometimes challenging. However, if the tasks are allocated, assigned based on the core interest, skill-sets and potential of the team members, greater response is guaranteed with minimum supervision. It is natural that person can put his mind, heart and soul to complete the task in stipulated time. Here, the team leader has to have regular interactions with the team to know their nature, likes and dislikes, areas of interest etc. It would be easy for allocation. Conclusion (Recommendations): The above discussion shows that no business is left uncovered from the challenges, issues or concerns. However, it is possible to overcome them if one could succeed to establish the relationship between personality and performance. The company can start applying psychometric test during recruitments of new employees. SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis is another practical and working solution during one-to-one interactions on monthly basis. It is essential to set standard benchmarks to measure performances mostly through objective means. Open Door Policy should be adopted at workplace. Employee welfare activities like Family Day / Birthday celebrations, team outings, and get-together motivate them to perform better and increase their level of satisfaction. Synergy is reflected through team-work. Cross-training programs could be another way. In short, personality and performance works hand-in-hand and they are two different sides of the same coin. There exi sts a strong relationship between the two and balance of them is win-win situation for all. References: Annie, S. and Anitha, K. (2014). Work-Life Balance of Women Academicians- An Empirical Study. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research (Volume 2), Pg 2-3. Armstrong M., Stephens T. (2005). A Handbook of Management and Leadership: A Guide to Managing for Results. Kogan Page Limited, London p. 174-175. Baird, M. (2011). The state, work and family in Australia. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(18): 37423754. Boxall, P. and Frenkel, S. (2012). Models of human resource management in Australia and NewZealand. In C Brewster and W Mayrhofer (eds) Handbook of research on comparative human resource management, 644662. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. Boxall, P. and Purcell, J. (2011). Strategy and human resource management, 3rd edn. Palgrave Macmillan,Basingstoke. Burnes, B. (2004). Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics. Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2004. Cardy, L. and Leonard, B. (2015). Performance Management: Concepts, Skills, and Exercises. Routledge, New York. CNN Money (2011). Global 500: Our annual ranking of the worlds largest corporations. (accessed 18 Jan 2013). Evenson R. (2011). Customer Service Training. American Management Association, New York p. 25-27. Handy, C. (2007). Understanding Organizations. Penguin UK. Kumar, V. Reinartz, W. (2012). Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy and Tools. Springer, London p. 55-60 Mazerolle S. (2013). Fulfillment of WorkLife Balance from the Organizational Perspective: A Case Study. Journal of Athletic Training, 48(5); 668677. Menezes L, S Wood and G Gelade (2010). The integration of human resource and operation management practices and its link with performance: A longitudinal latent class study. Journal of Operations Management 28(6), 455471. Mullins, L. J. (2010). Behaviour, Management Organisational (9th ed.). Pearson Education Limited. McNalll L. A., Masuda A. D., Nicklin J. M. (2010). Flexible Work Arrangements, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intentions: The Mediating Role of Work-to-Family Enrichment. The Journal of Psychology. 144(1), 6181. Olena, S. (2012). Work-Life Balance in Organizational Subcultures: The Case of MUTUA. Pg. 34, 41, 45. Reis, M. (2010). Change that works. In M. Reis, A Manager's Guide to Human Behavior. Skinner, N, Chapman, J. (2013). Work-life balance and family friendly policies. Evidence Base. Solomon M. (2012).Hi-Tech, Hi-Touch Customer Service: Inspire Timeless Loyalty in the Demanding New World of Social Commerce. American Management Association, New York. p. 86-90 Tschohl J. (2007). Achieving Excellence through Customer Service. Best Sellers Publication Minnesota p. 285-285
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Uniform education system in Pakistan Essay Example
Uniform education system in Pakistan Paper Shahzatb Qadeer Shaikh (17020011) Raazia Waseem Tuesday, October 15, 2013 The idea of a uniform education system for all is an exercise in futility. It can never happen. So resources should not be wasted on attempting to achieve the impossible. Poverty, terrorism and social and economic insecurity are a few of the numerous problems this country faces, the roots of all of which lie in a more basic issue: illiteracy. To solve the complex, ever-growing problem of illiteracy in Pakistan, numerous measures, including the prospect of a uniform education system, have been suggested. Although the idea of a uniform education system to tackle these problems shows promise because of the sense of unity and equality that it will give the nation and a more balanced educational curriculum it is expected to offer, the high costs relating to the project, the problems of centrally governing a one tier education system and the long period of time that it will take to properly implement the idea nationwide make it an exercise in futility. Broadly speaking there are 3 secondary education systems that exist in Pakistan: the SSC, HSC education system locally termed as the Metric/lntermediate system dministered by the Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education (BISE); the GCE (General Certificate of Education) system that replaces the SSC/HSC with O and A levels, administered by external British Examination Board of Cambridge; and the Maddersah system that is responsible for primarily providing religious education to children at secondary level. We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform education system in Pakistan specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform education system in Pakistan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Uniform education system in Pakistan specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The education provided by the current SSC/HSC system has become totally outdated and given the pay scale of the average Pakistani citizen not everyone can afford to have their children study in the GCE system. There is need of a more balanced education system that provides up to date education to cater the needs of the modern world along with sufficient importance given to subjects like Urdu and religion which are somehow neglected in the GCE system. But a new uniform education system isnt really the answer to the problem, given sufficient funding and proper supervision the SSC/HSC curriculum can be re-written to modern standards to compete with external alternate examinations like the GCE system. The government can save on the huge costs of setting up the new one tier education ystem and use the capital elsewhere. Apart from that the existing 3 systems somehow create a barrier between the classes, the upper middle and elite class have their children study the GCE system the middle and lower class (those who can afford it) have their children study the Metric/lnter or Maddersah system. The gap between the classes has been deepened by the ever long economic crisis the country faces. A new uniform education system can give the privileged studying in the same schools in the same system will give the nation a sense of unitary direction. Then again it can be argued, education as a whole whether its uniform or systematic, teaches us about equality and unity. However, equality and unity are values which cannot and should not be drilled into young minds. These are the things that are understood and learnt more outside the class than inside, so no real need of a uniform education system exists for the sole purpose of promoting unity and equality. The idea of a single education system would mean that these education systems are replaced with a single centrally governed education system. The first thing to onsider is the new curriculum that has to be written up. A lot of research will be required to write up the new course outlines and the way they are taught. Extensive training for teachers in both rural and urban area will be required . This mean a lot of capital to start up with and continuous funding to keep the project running. Education projects in the early 2000s like the Education Sector Reforms ESR (2001-2003) passed by the Ministry of Education Pakistan were budgeted around Rs. 50-60 Billion, the budget for a project like a uniform education system of such a big cale would have to be even larger. Can a country with a budget deficit exceeding $5million afford such a project? Even if half of the capital that was spent earlier on previous projects is spent now under proper surveillance and without political bias, the existing SSC/HSC system can regain its former validity as a national education system that it had when it was originally introduced. Apart for the large costs attached to the idea of a uniform education system in the country the next big setback is the swarm of administrative problems that the project is deemed to face. The SSC/FSC system started failing to provide quality education to cater local needs in its early years because it was centralized. Although there are regional boards that are responsible for some aspects of education in their own particular districts but the main administrative responsibilities still rest in the hands of the BISE Pakistan. Dawood Shah in a Country report on Decentralization in the Education System of Pakistan stated: It is believed that highly centralized system of education is greatly hampering the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery service at the grass-root level. A decentralized education system can respond more effectively to local needs and will be easier to administer. A common education system being followed by the whole nation would mean a homogeneous standard of education being set wherever the education is being provided. This is a task near impossible because of the lack of trained staff available plus the huge geographical and cultural differences that exist in Pakistan. A uniform education system would not only be ineffective in delivery, it will also be suppressing cultural diversity which needs to be celebrated and built upon. Excessive training and better higher education facilities might solve the problem regarding the lack of trained staff but if a new uniform education has to be kept effective it has to be kept immune from diseases like corruption that mostly work when the system is large and highly centralized. Breaking down the system and giving more authority to the regional education and keep the system effective at every stage. More importantly, changes like these do not happen overnight and the time taken to bring a project into proper nationwide implementation has to be taken into onsideration while taking such a decision. Properly designing a new one tier education system and bringing it into working requires as much time as it does capital. A project of such a large scale could take up a decade to come into reality and keeping Pakistans progress on recent development projects in view it could take well over a decade. However reforms to the existing education system to rid it of errors and improvise the teaching standards requires lesser time and seems more practical as compared to the idea of designing a new one tier education system from scratch. Even if the project is successful people take time in placing their faith in something new. The parents who previously had their children studying the GCE curriculum would be reluctant to have their children study the new education system introduced by government. On the contrary if the SSC/FSC system is corrected and reformed to compete with modern education standards the parents would feel more comfortable in placing their trust in it. Not to forget that the GCE system gained popularity only recently and most of the parents themselves studied the SSC/HSC curriculum for heir secondary education. Although the countrys current situation makes it necessary for the government to rethink its education policies because of the failure of the existing education system to deliver quality education but the idea of a new education system will only be adding to the countrys cost and giving birth to more administrative problems in the already deeply faulted education system. However a series of education reforms to re-new the existing curriculum, re-train the faculty and rid it of flaws like corruption nd invalidity in terms of grading can bring about the same effects that the new single education system is aimed at doing. The solution is basically to rectify the system from the core not to replace it. Citations Dawood Shah, Country Report on Decentralization of Education System of Pakistan: Policies and strategies. Paragraph 3. http://www. aepam. edu. pk/Old/Publications/ Decentralization%20in%20the%20Education%20System%200f%20Pakistan. pdf ESR( Education sector Reforms) budget reference, http://siteresources. worldbank. org/ PAKISTANEXTN/Resources/Pakistan-Development-Forum/EduSectorReforms. pdf
Monday, March 16, 2020
What You Need to Know About a Virtual Internship
What You Need to Know About a Virtual Internship There was a time when the only way you could experience an internship was to be physically present at the employers location. Now that the Internet is available everywhere, virtual internships are becoming more popular. In a virtual internship, you can work remotely while still gaining that valuable experience. However, as with traditional internships, there are pros and cons to doing an internship primarily on your own. Read on to find out what you must know about such an arrangement. Competition for Positions May Be Stiffer In a traditional internship, the applicant pool generally consists of candidates who live within commuting distance of a business. When a company opens up an opportunity for a virtual internship, applicants may live almost anywhere. In that case, its likely that youll be competing against far more qualified people. You May Not Win a Full-Time Position Companies with lower budgets may use virtual interns to staff short-term or small projects. That might mean the company doesnt need you 40 hours a week. Of course, if your plate is full and you dont need to get in a certain number of hours, this could be a good thing for you. Youll Have to Cover Your Own Expenses One benefit of a traditional internship is that you go to a physical location and use the companys own resources, such as computers and printers. If youre doing an internship from school or home, youll most likely be footing the bill for those items yourself. Moreover, if your computer crashes, its your responsibility to get it fixed ASAP. Virtual Internships Only Work in Certain Industries A virtual intern can fill any job that a fulls of common fields include: Graphic design Social media management Editing Software and web development Research Accounting Obviously, any profession that involves working with people or equipment, such as healthcare, would not be open to virtual interns. Networking Wont Come Easy If youre not working at the companys physical location, you wont be making many new in-person contacts. Sure, youll be emailing or Skyping the people you work with directly, but you wont meet people from other departments in the hallway or the kitchen. If you crave social contact, you might find a virtual internship depressing. On the other hand, youll be able to connect online with people- possibly all over the country or the world- through intranets, LinkedIn, and other channels. You May Not Learn Much About the Company When you spend most of your internship in your own personal environment, you wont witness the operations of the company. Its possible that you wont get a good feel for what goes on daily at such a business. When its time to search for a full-time position, having to dress up, commute, and deal with co-workers may be a bit of an adjustment. You Need to Be a Self-Starter If you always relied on your roommate to wake you up for your class, or you tend to be a daydreamer, you may find it extremely difficult to stay on task with a virtual internship. People may check up on you via phone calls or emails, but most of the time, youll need to be able to complete the work yourself without a lot of supervision. Virtual Internships Offer Plenty of Benefits While there are negatives you must consider, virtual internships work very well for the right people. You can fit work in around another part-time job, family commitments, and other activities. You wont have to commute, so youll be safer, save money, and save the environment. More companies are hiring full-time employees with the understanding that the employees will work from home. As this trend continues, youll be well prepared to start a telecommuting career after completing a virtual internship. You wont be micromanaged. If youre an introvert or somebody who simply chafes at the idea of having a boss, less contact may be more comfortable for you.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Challenges which organisations and managers face
Challenges which organisations and managers face This report aims at understanding the challenges that managers and organisations face in going international, and will offer some recommendations and possible solutions that can be considered by the organisations. The number of corporations that are going international is on a steady increase, as the world is opening up for foreign firms and there is more opportunity to expand to new destinations across the globe. Most times, multinational companies operating abroad face much more difficult tasks than before, due to high competition. A lot of companies form partnerships with foreign distributors in order to expand internationally, but they might not have the necessary resources and international experience it takes to sustain an international presence as the whole process can be a very demanding task, especially on the part of the managers Countries of the world are now interacting more rapidly in the globalized business environment of today. Thus the problems involved in managing a cross diverse cultures affects not only the multinational corporations, but also domestic companies, as a large number of domestic corporations also face multi-cultural environments because they seem to be constantly selling their good or making purchases in the international markets. Some domestic corporations also employ a lot of staff and management who are from different cultures. Thus when managers fail to fully appreciate and deal with the resulting differences in behavior, attitudes and values of those with whom they work or interact, especially in international business transactions, then that would be a major source of difficulties. According to Charles Perrow â€Å"Interactive complexity is the measure of the degree to which we cannot foresee all the ways things can go wrong. This may be because there are just too many interactions to keep track of. More likely, it is because our various theories are simply not up to the task of modeling socio-technical interactions. Seco nd, coupling is a measure of the degree to which we cannot stop an impending disaster once it starts.†(Perrow, C 2000) This might be as a result of managers not having ample time, or maybe because it is not physically possible, or due to a lack of experience. The capacity of managers to prevent any surprises that may arise from doing business on an international scale diminishes as the interactive complexity increases. Therefore, as the level of interactive coupling and interactive complexity continues to increase in a corporation. Then the whole system can be seen as an accident waiting to occur. This is what Charles Perrow refers to as â€Å"normal accident†in the sense that errors of operation will merely serve to trigger the events. Therefore, the management techniques and strategies employed to resolve international business problems have to differ from the management techniques for resolving local and domestic problems. As such mangers are to improve upon their managerial capacity to prevent unanticipated interactions and components, the system has to be firstly simplified, then there has to be and effort to increase the capacity to handle international problems, building in longer response times, and decoupling of major components. Apart from convergent problems which are problems which show promise for solution, multicultural corporations also face divergent problems. Divergent problems don’t promise a solution and tend to lead to more differences. According to Tylor (1977)
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Problems Of The Beginning Writer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Problems Of The Beginning Writer - Essay Example Writing about my anger did not offer enough time for my learning because I would not have enough time to express ideas. There was no one who would come by to support my desire to develop. This environment meant that my literacy skills failed to develop because the family condition denied me the opportunity I needed to develop them through experience with books and through correction. I discovered the importance of these skills in my life but it was unfortunate that I had no place or tools to facilitate the development competence in the language. In my young adulthood, I started to develop my language literacy skills but many times, I faced numerous challenges from my foster parents. At that age, it was very unfortunate that I lacked the vocabulary to construct sentences. I discovered that I had a hard time to make meaningful sentences regardless of the effort I put to write about my anger and the experiences I underwent at home. This issue exposed my limited skills in language litera cy because it was evident enough that I struggled to combine vocabularies to make sentences and combining them to form a good paragraph. This situation was discouraging to me but I had to do it regularly so that I could establish my competence in language and grow to be a good reader and writer later in my life. Later on, I would try to advance my writing skills through writing about the things in my family that angered me and in that way, I was able to relieve myself of the disappointment I experienced.... I discovered the importance of these skills in my life but it was unfortunate that I had no place or tools to facilitate the development competence in language. In my young adulthood, I started to develop my language literacy skills but many times, I faced numerous challenges from my foster parents. At that age, it was very unfortunate that I lacked vocabulary to construct sentences. I discovered that I had a hard time to make meaningful sentences regardless of the effort I put to write about my anger and the experiences I underwent at home. This issue exposed my limited skills in language literacy because it was evident enough that I struggled to combine vocabularies to make sentences and combining them to form a good paragraph. This situation was discouraging to me but I had to do it regularly so that I could establish my competence in language and grow to be a good reader and writer later in my life. As a student in college, I have discovered the importance of reading because I ha ve many volumes that I need to go through to achieve what I need to attain a degree. Through this experience, I discover how much I need to have the skills to avoid the negative impact of their lack on my performance while in college. I also discovered that my writing skills are below the average for a college student but, instead of getting discouraged by this, I feel motivated to develop them so that I can achieve my dream of authoring a book about my life dedicated to all women. Although I have put substantial effort, I have determined that my writing skills are not up to standard and therefore, I continue to develop my skills in reading and writing, to grow in vocabulary. My encounters as a child undermined my attempt to learn and
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Principle of Differentiated Responsibility and to What Extend It Essay
The Principle of Differentiated Responsibility and to What Extend It is Important for the Development of International Laws - Essay Example The countries in the world usually experience common environmental issues despite the fact that vital differences do exist in the responsibilities that they are charged with performing. The notion has increasingly been receiving recognition in the field of environmental international law (Morosin, p.109). The international laws regarding the environment usually cover treaty laws along with customary laws that aim at protecting the environment (Honkonnen, p.28). Treaty laws comprise of many treaties which are multilateral and can be interpreted using many different methods obtained from reading the simple texts they are contained in (United Nations Environment Programme, p.13). When controversies arise due to the different interpretations that exist, different interpretations can be applied in solving the questions at hand (Morosin, p.42). On the other hand, in customary laws, the wide consensus and conviction of most governments are required before they can be legally binding on the members. They immediately become operational upon being signed by the countries and they do not remain matters to be attended to when convenient (Bonilla &Burhenne-Guilmin, p.112). There are however major controversies that exist between which laws along with policies should be followed or implemented (Bortscheller, p.67). The organization for international labour appreciates that the fact that due to the different cultures, climate, industrial traditions and economic opportunities, uniformity in the global labour conditions is quite difficult to achieve (Morosin, p.86). The environmental declaration made in Rio states that in light of the different contributions by different countries towards the worldwide environmental degradation, the countries responsibilities are different in curbing the problem (United Nations Environment Programme, p.14). However, the developed countries in the world have already acknowledged their leading role in helping to clean up the environment (Kiss & S helton, p.76). This is because they are more advanced technologically and have adequate finances to steer their efforts towards eliminating the effects of their activities on the environment (Morosin, p.97). In addition, the climate change framework convention also stated that different countries within the globe should all participate in protecting their climatic systems based on equality (Bonilla &Burhenne-Guilmin, p.19). It also states that their activities should be performed in accordance with their diverse responsibilities along with capabilities (Bortscheller, p.112). Two major concerns are considered in the principles of differentiated responsibilities. The first concern of the principle is that the nations in the world should work together towards eliminating their common problems in protecting their environments at all levels (Morosin, p.177). Secondly, it concerns itself with the different responsibilities along with capabilities that different nations have in their activ ities of protecting their environment (Bonilla &Burhenne-Guilmin, p.68). The Stockholm along with the Rio declarations facilitate for the differences in finances and technology among the countries in the world that are participating in the environments protection along with cleanup (Kiss & Shelton, p.149).The declaration of Stockholm holds that the international community should consider the difference that exists in the standards of facilities between the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Declining Ethics in American Culture Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive
Declining Ethics in American Culture It is unfortunate to see how ethics in the American culture are constantly declining. People’s moral values are below normal societal standards, which is why, the older generations are outraged by the way things are now, and become rather upset and feel disturbed towards society. Furthermore, religion has lost its value throughout the years. In the essay, "Do Kids Need Religion?" by Anthony Brandt, he underlines the idea of how religion is not properly taught or provided to children. In Wendy Shalit’s essay, "The Future of Modesty," she discusses how much modesty has reached its worst in the younger generations, however society is beginning to raise these standards once again. Nonetheless, education has also lost its honor code. Mark Clayton calls attention to how cheating is becoming incredibly common among students throughout the United States in his essay, "A Whole Lot of Cheatin’ Going on." In fact, it is obvious that American culture is declining fast in ethics, especially in religion, dating, and education. First, religion has often played an important role in people’s lives, however its significance continues to decrease in recent decades. Parents do not pass on faith or beliefs onto their children, because most parents do not have faith or beliefs. These parents believe it would be hypocritical to teach their children about being spiritual, when they are not spiritual themselves. Children often go to their parents with questions regarding matters such as death, life, and God, but "Western culture is so secularized that parents can evade or dismiss 'religious' questions without feeling that they’re merely getting themselves off the hook" (Brandt 193). In contrast wit... ...eginning to realize the need to raise the ethical standards of American culture. Works Cited Brandt, Anthony. "Do Kids Need Religion." The Presence of others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s 2000. 191-198. Clayton, Mark. "A Whole Lot of Cheatin’ Going On." The Presence of others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s 2000. 185-189. News Hour Online. "Religion in America." 2 Dec. 2001 Religion-Online. "Teen-age Sexuality and Public Morality." 2 Dec. 2001 Shalit, Wendy. "The Future of Modesty." The Presence of others: Voices and Images that Call for Response. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: St. Martin’s 2000. 214-220.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
My Immortal Soul Essay
Plato has roused many readers with the work of a great philosopher by the name of Socrates. Through Plato, Socrates lived on generations after his time. A topic of Socrates that many will continue to discuss is the idea of â€Å"an immortal soul†. Although there are various works and dialogues about this topic it is found to be best explained in The Phaedo. It is fair to say that the mind may wonder when one dies what exactly happens to the beloved soul, the giver of life often thought of as the very essence of life does it live on beyond the body, or does it die with it? Does the soul have knowledge of the past if it really does live on? In Plato’s The Phaedo, Plato recounts Socrates final days before he is put to death. Socrates has been imprisoned and sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens and not following the rights of Athenian religion.[1] Socrates death brings him and his fellow philosophers Cebes, Simmions, Phaedo, and Plato into a perplex dialogue about this notion of an afterlife and what does one have to look forward to after death. Death is defined as the separation of the body from the soul. In The Phaedo death has two notions a common one which is the basic idea that the soul dies and the physical, idea that the soul separates from the body after death. â€Å"The soul is most like that which is divine, immortal intelligible, uniform, indissoluble, and ever self-consistent and invariable, whereas body is most like that which human, mortal is, multiform, unintelligible, dissoluble, and never self-consistent.†(Phaedo)[2] According to Socrates, knowledge is not something one came to understand but it was actually imprinted on the soul. Knowledge to Socrates was an unchanging eternal truth, something that could not be acquired through experience and time. Socrates friends believe that after death the soul disperses into the air like a breath. On the contrary Socrates believes that the soul is in fact immortal and if one wants to become free of pain they way to do so is to exempt themselves from the physical pleasures of the world. In this dialogue Socrates and the philosophers explore several arguments for this idea of an immortal soul. These arguments were to illustrate and verify that death is not the dying of body and soul collectively, but when the body dies the soul continues to live on. Socrates offers readers four main arguments: The Cyclical Argument, which is the idea that forms are fixed and external. The soul is the sole purpose of life in this argument, and therefore cannot die and it is also to be seen as virtually never-ending. Next is The Theory of Recollection, which insists that at birth everyone has knowledge that the soul experienced in another life. Meaning that the soul would have had to be existent before birth to bear this said knowledge. The Form of Life Argument confers that the soul bears a resemblance to that which is imperceptible and godly because it is abstract. The body bears a resemblance to the perceptible and the corporeal because it is objective. The Affinity Argument maybe the simplest of all. It reiterates Socrates thoughts of the body and soul, in saying that when the body dies and decomposes our soul will continue to exist in another world.[3] Since the soul is immortal it has been recycled many times, and has also experienced everything there is to experience, for Socrates and Plato this idea of recollection is much deeper than remembering something once forgotten. Socrates views knowledge as something that cannot be learned but the soul recalls it as it is being recycled. Grasping the understanding that things come to be beings by being composed of something pre-existing and when ceased these parts will continue to exist. Focusing on The Theory of Recollection, this is the claim that knowledge is innate, and cannot be learned. â€Å"What you said about the soul. They think that after it has left the body it no longer exists anywhere, but that it is destroyed and dissolved on the day the man dies.†(Cebes)[4] Socrates’ point for this argument is that our soul with holds this knowledge and we are born with it. Although we do not remember things before we are born it is said that certain experiences can nevertheless re awaken certain aspects of that memory. For example in The Meno, Socrates raises a mathematical problem to Meno’s slave boy, who does not have any prior training in mathematics. The boy thinks he knows the answer but Socrates makes him see that his initial hypothesis of the answer is wrong. By purely asking questions, Socrates gets the slave boy to state the right answer. Socrates insists that he has not told the boy the answer, but through questioning the slave boy, Socrates aided him to recollect the slave boy’s own knowledge of mathematics.[5] Furthermore Socrates also makes another example of recollection by stating if one were to come in contact with a picture or an item of a beloved then it would be simple to recall said person to the mind. This is the idea of how recollection works. If we examine this example and change certain aspects of it, it does not become very clear either. If a picture of a beloved one was shown to a stranger it is safe to say that the stranger would not be able to recall any thoughts, memories or details of the person in the photograph because they do not have any prior knowledge of said person. In order for the stranger to do so they would have had to been in acquaintance with that person in the photograph at one time or another. This act of resemblance is easier for someone who already knows the person. Plato also uses an example of a vehicle stating that before a vehicle is mobile there were parts that were made to turn it into a vehicle such as the engine, steering wheel, and etcetera. He continues to make the point that even after the vehicle breaks down that these pieces will still remain to create the next vehicle. According to Plato ordinary objects participate in this recollection of platonic forms themselves; these things remind of us platonic forms because the soul once encountered it. He persists that the soul must have ex isted because of this. All of which are ways to reiterate that this idea that knowledge is imprinted on the soul may have validity to it. In essence there was time where only the soul existed and it soon found a home in a body of another, making it now a mortal being(birth). Reincarnation is not only a rebirth of the soul but the neutralization of the knowledge one attained before birth as well. Then there is a period where our a priori knowledge seems to disappear only to reappear when it is recalled. It is claimed that we lose our knowledge at birth; then by the use of our senses in connection with particular objects we recover the knowledge we had before. However, this relationship between the perception of sensible objects and our capacity of finding knowledge can produce a series of confusions concerning whether it is possible to recall all prior knowledge. The problem in this argument and certain aspects of this notion of an immortal soul is that even if it were proven that we were made up something before birth, and something will remain after death, it is not for certain that it is the soul. Through scientific study it is understood that the body is also made of atoms it is also known that atoms existed before the body and will continue long after the body. The atoms that make up the body will in fact be recycled as well just as Socrates has the concept that the soul lives on. Plato and Socrates were correct on the idea that certain parts were in pre-existence does come to make one existent and will exist after death. Although even with this idea one cannot be certain that the soul is one of the parts of the body that is solely immortal. There is not adequate information given by Plato or Socrates to make this argument suffice. We must raise an inquiry of why is that in order to think of perfection we must have already had to have seen it? Aside from philosophical views, in everyday life we encounter imperfections and it is safe to say that the mind is capable of wondering what something of beauty, perfection, or a perfect circle appears to be. The mind is also able to think about these ideas even if the soul has never encountered it. If these arguments prove anything it proves that The Theory of Recollection and The Cyclical Argument both attest that the soul existed before but the arguments do not prove that the soul will continue to exist after this life. Works Cited 1. Cahn, M Steven. Classics of Western Philosophy. Hackett Publishing Company, Inc 2006 2. Morgan, K, 2000, Myth and Philosophy from the pre-Socratics to Plato, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 3. Partenie, Catalin, â€Å"Plato’s Myths†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = . (April 11th2010) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Cahn- Plato’s, The Phaedo [2] Quote from the philosopher Phaedo [3] Socrates theories discussed by Plato [4] Phaedo 70a [5] Plato’s The Meno
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Characterization in the Film Dead Poets Society - 649 Words
The movie Dead Poets Society (1989) tells the story of boy named Neil and his six acquaintances. They all go to a boarding school, which is rigorous and conservative, called Welton academy. In this analysis I will discuss first and foremost the characterization in the film. John Keating is the new charismatic poetry teacher with unconventional teaching methods he is later referred to as O captain, my captain. He also is an unconventional and inspirational leader who has a lot of influence over the boys and their lives. He puts the term carpe diem in focus, which means seize the day. Neil Perry who is there after his brother that was very popular and smart, he takes what Mr. Keating sais very seriously and he changes allot and gets to develop as a person throughout the story. Todd Anderson is a new pupil, he is surprisingly well received by the others, and he is incredibly shy. Throughout the story Todd finds himself more and more, he becomes less shy and more social. I am delegating him as the main character in the film because he is the only dynamic character Knox Overstreet is a static character in the film he gets more involved in romanticism as his interpretation of the term carpe diem. Charlie Dalton thrives on attention and it seems like he has a god complex(he feels he has to be in control of all situations). Charlie wants to be called Nwanda and is later referred to Nwanda in the film. Richard Cameron is everything Mr. Keating is against, he stands for traditions,Show MoreRelatedMaya Angelou : An Influential Voices Of Modern Society Essay1386 Words  | 6 PagesMaya Angelou, born Marguerite Ann Johnson on the 4th of April 1928, was born in St. Louis, Missouri and grew up in Stamps, Arkansas. Maya Angelou is regarded as one of the most noteworthy, influential voices of modern society with over 50 doctorate degrees. 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