Thursday, November 28, 2019
Fashion Junkies Essay Example
Fashion Junkies Essay Alycia Griffin Professor Michael Bedsole English 101 16 September 2012 Fashion Junkie Every company wants to have fresh ideas for their ad campaigns, to draw in their audience. Sisley attempted to draw the consumer in using an advertisement that depicted two women participating in illicit behaviors. The advertisement may have been considered humorous, had it not been so vulgar. Sisley’s attempt at reeling the consumer in resulted in an effect that definitely caught the eyes of their targeted audience, but not in a way that could be considered positive. Is fashion, an addictive and destructive vice, destroying its intended and targeted audience; the consumer? In 2007, the fashion line, Sisley, whose parent company is United Colors of Benetton, released a print ad with the words â€Å"Fashion Junkie†in the center of the page. At first thought, without having seen the ad, a person would not have thought anything negative about it because the term â€Å"fashion junkie†is widely used by those who love fashion. In the ad, though, it depicts two young, beautiful women partaking in behaviors that would be considered classless. It is set in a dark room that gives an eerie feeling; it gives the viewer a sense that there is nothing happy or light about Sisley’s line. One of the women is sitting down while the other seems to be leaning against the table. On the table there is a credit card with white powder on it. Next to the credit card there is also a white strappy dress lain on the table that the women seem to be â€Å"snorting†as though it were cocaine. The women’s position against the table seemed to show a need or dependency for the drugs shown. The women are wearing what looks like party dresses. We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion Junkies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion Junkies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Fashion Junkies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Both of them are wearing makeup that is dark and have their hair loose and down. One of the models is looking towards the viewer, in a way, with a lifeless expression in her eyes. Both their facial expressions give the idea that they are strung out on illegal drugs, obviously. In the center of the page it reads â€Å"Sisley†in all capital letters with the words â€Å"Fashioin Junkie†underneath. The word â€Å"fashion†was misspelled; it is kind of a play on words to make fashion sound like heroin. Sisley attempted to sell their line of clothing by inferring that their clothes are addictive and leave you craving more from them. Unfortunately, they failed in that respect. The main focus of the advertisement should have been the models and the garments that they were wearing, but immediately, the first thing noticed is the zombie-like expression of one of the models. On the other model, one of her nipples is very clearly noticeable. Sisley’s sister company, United Colors of Benetton, led the way in the fashion world during the eighties, defining fashion at that period. Benetton is known for marketing their brand while always addressing national and international issues. As sister company to Sisley, it is very unlikely that Benetton would want to be associated with Sisley when they are releasing such racy advertisements that can be taken negatively in more ways than one. The advertisement also showcases a credit card from Chase Bank that looks like it was used to cut the lines of cocaine. Sisley makes it seem as though Chase Bank is condoning this behavior and serves as support to the addictive lifestyle that fashion and drugs bring. Looking at the advertisement, the audience most likely assumes that the two women pictured are models. There are already many negative conceptions about models and this advertisement verifies those conceptions in a way. Many people in the general public look at models as super slim women with weight management problems as well as drug problems. People like Kate Moss further stimulate these stereotypes and misconceptions. It seems as though Sisley was attempting to use the fact that models do drugs in an effort to manage their weight to manipulate their audience’s mind by having the two models â€Å"snorting†the dress through white straws. In this way there was a direct correlation between the fashion industry and the drug culture. For some people fashion actually is an addiction. Some people lose all their money in an effort to stay up to date with the latest trends. This is where the cocaine laced Chase Bank credit card comes in. Most people are aware of the phrase â€Å"Get it on credit. †Sisley stressed the point that even if you don’t have money in your own possession, their product is so spectacular that it is worth maxing out your credit cards. The fact that cocaine is known as the â€Å"rich kid drug†further supports Sisley’s effort at trying to make it seem ike their clothes are addictive. Furthermore, the fact that cocaine is known as the â€Å"rich kid drug†might even give the consumer an idea that the product is expensive. They even went so far as to use the credit card to cut the lines of cocaine, which also correlates the drug culture and fashion industry. This is a f ashion advertisement, but Sisley fell short in their effort to sell their actual clothing line. There’s a dark nature of the advertisement which overpowers the clothing. At first glance, you notice nothing of what they have on. You might notice what the girl on the left is wearing simply because she has a nipple slipping out of her dress and doesn’t seem to care whether it noticeable or not. If you actually took a decent look at what the two ladies were wearing, you could see that their outfits were actually very tasteful and well put together. Most garments considered high fashion that are seen on runways are fashionable, but in no way functional. The outfits that these two women were wearing were clothes that consumers might actually consider buying and would include in their daily wardrobe. This is masked by all the extremes occurring right in front of the viewers face, taking the attention away from what the advertisement was originally intending to sell. Although Sisley fails to sell their clothing line, what they succeed in doing is degrading women as a whole. The ad does not say much about their fashion and it says even less of how a respectful, classy woman should behave herself. There are few people that would be fine with their child seeing this ad in Seventeen or Teen Vogue. It is negative imagery that does not send out a positive message to children and teenagers of the younger generation growing up in today’s society. The ad actually inadvertently condones the use of cocaine, or rather, any illegal substance. It throws beautiful people in the face of the consumer because as humans, people are thinkers, but they are also followers. Sisley exploited that fact knowing that if they put two beautiful women in their advertisement campaign, participating in less than lady-like activities, it would entice the young people to support their product. After the 1980’s, heroin arose as the drug of choice. Waif-like models epitomized this new aura of â€Å"heroin chic;†fashion moguls conveyed the association of glamour with heroin (Durant and Thakker). The western view of beauty drives those prominent in the fashion industry to look to drugs to help control weight as well as maintain a certain figure. Drugs directly correlate to fashion in the same way that Wiz Khalifa influences his Taylor Gang followers. The consumer sees the use of drugs like heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and the like by wealthy influential figures and subconsciously realizes that maybe it is acceptable to partake in the same activities that they are witnessing. President Clinton stated in 1997, â€Å"American fashion has been an enormous source of creativity and beauty and art and, frankly, economic prosperity for the United States and we should all value and respect that. But the glorification of heroin is not creative, its destructive. Its not beautiful; its ugly. And this is not about art; its about life and death. And glorifying death is not good for any society. (Wren)†On February 4th of 1997, David Sorrenti, a fashion photographer, overdosed because of his use of heroin. Sorrenti photographed his models looking hard and drugged; even magazine editors had to admit that the â€Å"strung-out†look had a certain level of seductiveness to it, although damaging (Wren). The advertisement was specifically directed towards a younger audience, most likely teenagers and young adults who are still very impressionable because they are most likely to buy the products marketed by Sisley. There aren’t many middle-aged and older generations that would find this very tasteful to say the least. The majority of the older population has already experienced their rebellious or dangerous stage of life and knows the pros and cons of doing hard drugs. Needless to say they would not find this article very enticing to their self. Rhetorical Approaches says that â€Å"While the speaker should try to develop an idea of her audience in advance, she should also react to her audience as she speaks. †Sisley had a clear idea of who their audience was, but the clothing company fell short when creating this advertisement because they did not thoroughly think about how their audience would react to this advertisement. Unfortunately for Sisley, it was received with plenty of negative criticism. Sisley did invite their audience in, though, if only to receive negative feedback. This advertisement was not only selling its own line of fashion, but it was also selling the world of fashion. This was Sisley’s strong point. It showed the importance of fashion internationally, as well as the effect that fashion has on a culture and any single person’s social identity. It sold that fashion can influence a person to do things that otherwise would be considered beyond ridiculous. It shows that fashion can make people live outside of their means, by buying on margin. Sisley definitely succeeded in showing how fashion can manipulate a person’s or society’s mindset. Ultimately, Sisley did not sell their product very well. The focal point of the advertisement should have been the fashion and clothes from their line, but drugs were the focal point of the advertisement. Even if this advertisement were not removed, it probably still would not have sold the product very well. There is no product to see. In the end, there could have been a more creative and tasteful way to put this advertising campaign together. Works Cited Adams Wooten, Courtney, Sally Smits, and Lavina Ensor. Rhetorical Approaches to CollegeWriting. Plymouth: Hayden-McNeil, Print. Durant, Russil, and Jo Thakker. Substance Use and Abuse: Culture and Historical Perspectives. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2003. Print. Messiah, Lauren. Want some drugs with that fashion?. StyleList. The Huffington Post, 18 Jul 2007. Web. Web. 16 Sep. 2012. Wren, Christopher. Clinton Calls Fashion Ads Heroin Chic Deplorable. New York Times 22May 1997. Web. 18 Sep. 2012.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Question Set on Oceans and Freshwater Ecosystems Essays
Question Set on Oceans and Freshwater Ecosystems Essays Question Set on Oceans and Freshwater Ecosystems Essay Question Set on Oceans and Freshwater Ecosystems Essay Compare and contrast the main types of freshwater ecosystems. Name and describe the major zones of a typical pond or lake. All freshwater systems are relatively pure and have few dissolved salts. Types of freshwater systems include surface water, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and groundwater. All of the systems are located on and in different parts of the earth. They are all in the 3% of freshwater systems on earth. The zones of a lake are the littoral zone, the liniment zone, the profoundly zone, and the benthic zone. 2. Describe three benefits and three costs of damming rivers. What particular environmental, health, and social concerns has Chinas Three Gorges Dam and its reservoir raised? Benefits include preventing floods, providing drinking water, and facilitating irrigation. Costs of dams include expenses, slowing of river flows, and erosion of tidal marshes. Many people were displaced from their homes, tidal marshes eroded, and many pollutants were trapped in the reservoir. 3. Why do the Colorado, ROI Grandee, Nile, and Yellow Rivers now slow to a trickle or run dry before reaching their deltas? It is result of our diversions and our consumption. We are withdrawing surface water at an unsustainable rate. 4. Name three major types of water pollutants, and provide an example of each. List three properties of water that scientists use to determine water quality. Nutrient pollution is from fertilizers, farms, sewage, lawns. There are pathogen and waterborne diseases (bacteria pollution). There is also thermal pollution. Three indicators are biological indicators, chemical indicators, and physical indicators. 5. What are some anthropogenic sources of groundwater pollution? Some sources of illusion are pesticides, nitrates, and pathogens like Escherichia coli 6. Describe how drinking water is treated. Our water is chemically treated, filtered, and disinfected. 7. How does a septic system work? Underground septic tanks separate solids and oils from waste water. Water drains into a drain field where microbes decompose the pollutant. Solid waste is periodically pumped out and landfill. 8. Describe and explain the major steps in the process of wastewater treatment. How can artificial wetlands aid such treatment? Screens and the grit tank. The primary clarifier. Aeration basin. Secondary clarifier. Filtering and disinfection. Microbes decompose the remaining pollutants in artificial wetlands. 9. Seeking Solutions p. 429-430 Answer three out of six questions. Write the numbers of the questions you are answering. #l : We can lessen agricultural demand for water by reducing the amount of crops we grow annually. We can reduce household consumption by turning off faucets, taking shorter showers, and flush toilets once after using it. We can reduce industrial uses of water by not buying bottled water. #2: Desalination will remove the salt from seawater or water Of original quality. Two methods include distilling (evaporates and condenses ocean water) and reverse osmosis (forces water through membranes to filter out salts. Because the land is arid so there isnt much water available. #5 1 would apply water restriction like the ones we had during the NC drought. People will not be able to water lawns and wash cars. I would promote household water conservation. I would try to do both because if we lower how much we use but we acquire more supply then we will have water when we really need it. Chapter 16 1. What proportion of Earths surface do oceans cover? What is the average salinity of ocean water? How are density, salinity and temperature related in each layer of ocean water? 75% of the earth is covered in ocean water. Ocean water is 96. 5% water and ions of dissolved salts. As you go deeper the salinity gets higher and the temperature declines. 2. What is causing ocean acidification? What consequences do scientists expect ocean acidification to bring about? The ocean is absorbing more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The ocean surface water may soon become saturated with as much CO as it can hold. Once it reaches the limit the climate will accelerate. . Where in the oceans are productive areas of biological activity likely to be found? The photonic zone is where nearly all of the oceans primary productivity takes place. 4. Why are coral reefs biologically valuable? How are they being degraded by human impact? What is causing the disappearance of mangrove forests and salt marshes? Coral reefs are treasure troves of biodiversity. They provide a complex physical structure in shallow marathoners waters. They have undergone coral bleaching, a process that occurs when contextually die or eave the coral, depriving it of nutrition. Nutrient pollution is also a problem. It causes algal growth throughout the reef. Mangrove forests are developed for residential, commercial, and recreational uses. Shrimp farming is a large cause of the disappearance Of mangrove forests. 5. What is meant by the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Discuss three ways in which people are fighting pollution in the oceans and on our coasts. Circulating currents bring and trap plastic trash to areas specifically in the northern pacific gyred from California to Hawaii to Japan. It is the size of Texas.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
AIDS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5
AIDS - Essay Example According to UNAIDS estimation at present, there is an approximation of 33.4 million people across the globe living on this face of earth while suffering from AIDS and every year estimated two million people expire from AIDS and its related illnesses. UNAIDS has approximated (UNAIDS, 2008). The case is even more critical in Sub-Sahara region of Africa where every 7 out of 10 deaths take place due to AIDS. Moreover, the region has almost sixty-six percent living case of AIDS and the percentage of new AIDS infection in children is as much as ninety percent (Stine, 2009). The cause of AIDS is the HIV virus. It is the virus that slowly weakens the human immune system. HIV increasingly does damage to the immune system cells therefore, the human body gets more prone to these infections, to which it has trouble in fighting back. A person diagnosed with AIDS is usually at the very high and advanced level of HIV infection flourishing in its body. The development of HIV in a human body is a slow process and it can take even years for a person with HIV virus to become an AIDS patient (, 2009). The symptoms of AIDS are though, not as vivid and obvious as the symptoms of other diseases. The person diagnosed with aid has the obvious illnesses related to AIDS. These AIDS related symptoms or conditions include infections, cancer, or tumor. These infections are opportunistic infections because of the reason that they develop in any human body due to the weak immune system. A person can suffer from AIDS with or without these opportunistic infection, the other symptoms are the tumor or cancer in any part of the human body due to AIDS. Moreover, the diagnosis of AIDS is also positive when the total number of human immune system cells decrease to a certain point. The major channels through which the transmission of AIDS takes place are the sexual intercourse, getting exposed to the infected parts of body or fluids, and from mother to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Ernest Hemingway on Sex and Relationships Essay
Ernest Hemingway on Sex and Relationships - Essay Example Jake Barnes is an American veteran of WWI who works as a journalist in Paris. Though it seems that he is the most stable among his friends, he struggles through the pain of loving Lady Brett and the fact that the war has rendered him not only impotent but also changed. On the other hand, we have Lady Brett Ashley. An elite British woman who was earlier separated with his husband. She met Jake Barnes in a hospital during the war and developed strong feelings for him. Although she has these feelings, she adamantly refuses a committed relationship because Jake Barnes apparently can't satisfy her physical needs. Lady Brett Ashley is one of those highly independent women of her generation who loves conversations and drinking with leisure. Most of the characters in the story have aimless and seemingly idle lives due to the war. Through the eyes of Jack Barnes as the narrator of the story, we are able to see how he sees his peers in the aftermath of the war. In all his hidden worries and trouble, he sees Lady Brett Ashley as his salvation. A cure to his war pains. Now, Jack Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley are seemingly in love with each other. But due to Jack Barnes inability to make love, Lady Brett Ashley refuses a relationship with him. Sex is apparently important to a 'modern' woman like Lady Brett. To her, the finality of one's affection is expressed through sex. True, an impotent partner would render one to be sexually frustrated and unsatisfied no matter if she admits it or not. Lady Brett Ashley is definitely one of those who are honest and knowing enough of their needs. Now does sex really matter I believe for some it does and for some it doesn't. A friend once said she wouldn't mind if her loved one got impotent. Moreover, she'd love him even though he couldn't make her satisfied in that special way. There could be other ways to find pleasure she says. When she said that, there was no doubt in my mind that a time would come when she would feel the sexual frustrations that was bound to her. After all, she is only human and due to those feelings. I myself would definitely say that sex definitely matter in an intimate relationship. It's the ultimate ingredient for the perfect recipe; loving partner, good communication and a wonderful sex life. Who wouldn't want that It's a fact that everybody I think would hope for although I'm sure not everybody would openly admit. Is love and affection really enough to cover the void of having no sex At some instances in the story I believe Lady Brett Ashley also believe it is so. In chapter four of the story, she contradicts her beliefs in instances when she lets Jake Barnes kiss or comfort her. Giving in does mean a yes right Also, when she refuses Count Mippipopolous' offer of a great amount of money to go with him on a trip, she then informs of this to Jake. Lady Brett Ashley tells Jake Barnes that she wants him to join them in their trip. That was a big contradiction on her part. She obviously wanted to be with Jake, even if it is just his companionship and the fact that she downright refused to have a committed relationship with him. Impotence not only affects the sexual life of the inflicted but also his mindset. In chapter four, Jake releases his frustrations and cries himself to sleep. He regrets having even met Lady Brett Ashley and laments that his troubles would never have started he hadn't known her. Impotence has devoid him of his
Monday, November 18, 2019
Postivie and Negative Effects of Televised Sports Essay
Postivie and Negative Effects of Televised Sports - Essay Example Further it has the negative effect because of the tobacco and alcohol industries promote their products through the sports channel which is viewed by large number of adolescents which may cause to start smoking and alcohol consumption at an early age. In this essay these topics are discussed in detail. Telecast of hockey or any other game generates an early awareness and interest in the sport and creates a fan base. Such broadcasting provides a learning feature for viewers. These televised sports event also endorse player profiles enabling admirers to pursue their favorite athlete’s career growths. Spectators who are fascinated and knowledgeable are admirers who are present at games and encourage an excited environment that inspires a team to play well. Televised games generate awareness and interest in the sport where spectators who may not watch a game otherwise. For example the televised Men’s hockey finals in the year 2002 created a great amount of interest and enthusiasm in Canada as there was a record braking television watching spectators of 8.6 million – US Men’s Ice Hockey final on CBC. This game was so extensively viewed and created high awareness to hockey at the global level. This curiosity in hockey offers admirers with a sense of satisfaction for the Canadian game. Over and above these young viewers will build up a craze for the sport as they gain familiarity and understanding of the game hockey. This endorses a positive game atmosphere and develops team inspiration (Mega essay com. 2007) The history of U.S. television is related to the sports. Certainly, Television took off the ground because of sports, recollect pioneering television sports director Harry Coyle. He further adds that at present, sports require television to survive, however it was just the other way round when it first started. The sales of
Friday, November 15, 2019
Prayer Rituals Of Islam Religion Essay
Prayer Rituals Of Islam Religion Essay There are many religions of the world, mostly all consisting of a ritual of prayer of some sort. Islam is the second largest religion of the world after Christianity. Like almost all religions, Islam also has rituals of prayer. These rituals consist of purifying oneself before prayers, the call for prayer, also known as the azaan, the salah or the prayer, and reciting the holy Quran. These prayer rituals are a part of the daily life of a Muslim. The salah starts right after the Azaan or the call for prayer. It is recited by the Muazzin who is the man who recites in Arabic, the call for prayer. This call is recited in Arabic. In English translation it means , I confess there is no God but God, I confess there is no God but God. I confess Muhammad (PBUH) is the apostle of God. The people listening to this reply the same. The Muazzin says, Come to prayer. The listeners reply I have no power or strength but from God most High and Great. The Muazzin says, Come to God. The listeners reply, What God wills will be; what He wills not will not be. Lastly, the first two claims are recited once again to end off the call for prayer to all Muslims. The Azaan is not only a call for prayer to Muslims, it is also a reminder to all the believers that there is no God but Allah and that the Prophet (PBUH) was his messenger. This claim is also the basis of the shahadah or the Islamic creed. The azaan thus serves a double purpose; it is an announ cement of the time of prayer and at the same time an announcement of the principles of Islam and the significance underlying them. It replaces the meaningless ringing of a bell or the blowing of a trumpet by the most effective propaganda of religion that can be thought of. (A Manual of Hadith) The azaan can be signified as the wakeup call for all believers, serving as a reminder of God. Then comes the actual ritual of praying, the salah. This prayer consists of physical movements of the body along with holy words and phrases in Arabic. Firstly, one must be clean and pure and be standing in clean place, facing the Kaaba, the House of God. The prayer starts out as one stands up straight with hands by the sides, making an intention to pray. I have purposed to offer up to God only, with a sincere heart, with my face towards Kaaba. Then, the hands are raised upto the ear lobes, reciting, Allahu Akbar meaning, Allah is the greatest. The hands are brought back down and the right hand is placed above the left hand. Both hands are placed below the navel for men and above the navel for women. The gaze is lowered towards the floor. In this position, recitations are made. I seek refuge near God from cursed Satan. In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Following this, the first chapter of the holy Quran is recited. After that, the person is to recite any part of th e Quran and as much as he/she wants to recite. Once that is said, the worshipper must once again recite Allahu Akbar, meaning, Allah is the greatest. Then, the worshipper is to bend down as to place the palms of the hands on the knees. In this position, the worshipper must recite I praise the holiness of my Lord, the Great three times and stand back up with hands by the sides. Now he/she is to recite, God hears Him who praises Him: O Lord, Thou art praised. After this, the worshipper goes down on the knees and places his forehead on the floor with the palms of the hands placed on the floor next to the head. The feet are to be resting upon the toes. In this position, the person is to recite I praise the holiness of my Lord, the Most High. Then, the person sits up, placing his/her hands above the knees and recites Allahu Akbar. In a few seconds, the person goes back down to the bow and recites the same phrase as the last prostration. This marks the end of the first rakat. (The faith o f Islm) Depending on the time of day and which prayer is being recited, the number of rakats varies. For example, for Fajr, the prayer before sunrise, and the third prayer, there are four rakats, for Dhurr, the afternoon prayer, there are 12 rakats. There are seven rakats for the evening prayer, Maghrib, and for the last prayer of the day, Isha, there are nine rakats. The same procedure follows for every prayer. This form of prayer is mandatory and required by all Muslims as it is one of the pillars of Islam. There is no substitute for this prayer. It is a must-do. This ritual is the most important as it provides the person to connect with God through communication. Muslims believe that through salah, they can get a chance to communicate with God directly. Among ritual worships, Salah occupies the key position for two reasons. Firstly, it is the distinctive mark of a believer. Secondly, it prevents an individual from all sorts of abominations and vices by providing him chances of direct communion with his Creator five times a day, wherein he renews his covenant with God and seeks His guidance again and againSalah is the first practical manifestation of faith and also the foremost of the basic conditions for the success of the believers. (Islam In Concept) Not only does the salah keep the individual on a spiritual path and connected with God, it also keeps the body in motion and physically ac tive, serving as a great health purpose. Being the key of all rituals of Islam, the salah serves to be the most connective and spiritual ritual of Islam. Another type of prayer ritual is reciting the Holy Quran. The Quran is the holy book of Islam as compared to the Bible of the Christians and the Torah of the Jews. Just like the Hindus recite their Bhagavad Gita and the Jews recite their Torah, Muslims also recite the Quran. In Islam, reciting the Quran is a form of prayer. Muslims claim that the Quran is the word of God. Therefore, it is considered a holy and prayer-like task to recite it. Not only does one have to recite the words of the Quran, it is also important to understand the meaning of them as well as it is written in Arabic. This is a form of worship and prayer. When you recite the Quran and contemplate its meanings, you take a positive step toward achieving happiness. Allah described the Quran as being guidance, light, and a cure for what is in the breasts of men. He also described it as being a Mercy. (Dont be sad) Reciting the Quran is a form or prayer because Allah Himself claims in it that it will bring blessings and happiness in life. It is described to be like a handbook for our lives that we must follow, so reciting and understanding the Quran go hand in hand to establish a prayer. It is very common for Muslims to recite the Quran or perform salah when a difficulty arises in life, whatever it may be as Quran and salah have been the source of guidance towards a righteous path. A righteous person once said: I felt a cloud of depression and anxiety was hanging over me. I picked up the Quran and I read it for a period of time. Then, by Allah, the depression and anxiety disappeared and happiness along with tranquility took their place. (dont be sad) Reciting the Quran is a way of remembering God and keeping in mind his rules and regulations of life that are outlined in it. Along with performing salah, daily recitations keep the thought of God active in ones mind. It is also a way of seeking refuge from Satan. The Prophet (PBUH) claims that Allah has ordained that any man who engages himself in the recitation of Quran so oftenly that he finds no time for supplication I shall provide him more without asking than those who ask. (Principles of Islam) From this, we can conclude that reciting the holy Quran is not only a way of seeking Gods guidance, it also a reminder for all believers of Gods mercy and power. Religions of all people provide rituals of prayer. Islam offers several rituals of prayer such as the sacred washing (wudhu), call for prayer or the azaan, performing the salah, and reciting the Quran. Whatever the ritual may be, they all provide ways of connecting with God. Al-Omar, Abdur Rahman. The Religion of Truth. Saudi Arabia: Maktaba Dar-Us-Salam, 51-52. Print.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
What is Culture? Essay -- Sociology, Subcultures
Question One What is culture? Culture can be interpreted in multiple ways and have many different meanings to different individuals. Consequently, it is because of those facts that a definition is so hard to create. To some, culture results from consumed meanings by a social group (Lewis, 2008). Others view culture as something based on economics and servitude (Marx, as cited by Lewis, 2008). Hebdige ambiguous concept As I attempt to tease out a personal definition of culture based on my own experiences and various readings this semester, I select a few common themes that bare significance in my conceptualization of culture. Beliefs, values, social constructs, are some of the concepts used in many of the definitions of culture. These terms will serve as the basic principles on which I will base my own definition. To me, culture is an ideology, a relationship between social constructions and individuals. Culture results from created sets of beliefs, values, and goals from which individuals make meaning through interpretation and use to guide interactions amongst themselves and their environment. My definition of culture stems from two major concepts: ideologies and social constructions. Ideology itself is a very complex concept with multiple definitions. For clarity, I am referring to Althusser’s concept of ideology. Althusser (as cited by Lewis, 2008) believed ideology was a â€Å"representation of the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence†. This applies to my personal definition of culture because these imagined conditions are what make up the beliefs, values, and goals that cultures abide by. This imaginary relationship then transitions into another major part of my definition ... ...tudent affairs professionals, we always talk about the power of a single story. Each student is special and has their own experiences that they have that have affected their development. These experiences influence each student both interpersonally, as well as intrapersonally. One habit student affairs professionals have to take into consideration when studying student cultures is to never generalize a student and pay close attention to assumptions made when studying a student culture or subculture. Studying student cultures and subcultures from a macro level will help professionals understand the experiences of a large number of students. But as practitioners, we must be wary of over generalizing and bringing our own biases into our research. As clearly shown above, culture is a very complex topic. It means many different things to various people.
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